
About Coronavirus (COVID-19) 
Adapted from “COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities” by Green Mountain Self-Advocates

There is a lot of information about COVID-19 that tells me what I should and should not do.  It can be really hard to understand. Here is some information that can help me and my family understand what is going on. This information is to help me know about the virus and what I need to do to stay healthy.

What is Coronavirus, also called COVID-19?

How can I get COVID 19?

How I know if I might be sick with COVID-19:

If I have these things, what should I do?

If I get worse or I have trouble breathing, I should call my doctor again 

My doctor might ask me these questions:

How can I stay healthy?

What to do if I am around someone who has COVID-19?

Tell somebody who I live with or my case manager that I have been around someone who is sick

More ideas I can do to stay healthy:

What if I, my family or my friends get scared?

Other things that I can do:


Centers for Disease Control - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Virginia Department of Health - COVID-19 in Virginia

Center for Disability Leadership

Center for Family Involvement

disAbility Law Center of Virginia

Virginia Board for People with Disabilities