The Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Severe Disabilities


The Partnership, in collaboration with the Department of Special Education and Disability Policy at VCU, is a partner in the Virginia Adapted Curriculum Consortium comprised of 6 universities from across the Commonwealth. Eight core courses needed for master's degrees and licensure requirements are delivered through the Consortium. Each class uses satellite delivered, video conferencing technology to establish real-time, interactive, multipoint conference instruction among the university sites. A small grant from the Virginia Department of Education provides partial tuition assistance to eligible provisionally licensed teachers and instructional assistants working with students with significant support needs.

Major Activities

  • Leads to Masters of Education at VCU
  • Courses are offered across a consortium of universities statewide: GMU (lead), VCU, Radford, Norfolk State (future: JMU, ODU)

Funding Source

  • Virginia Department of Education (VDOE); subcontract with George Mason University


Beth A Bader, Ph.D.
Phone: 804-828-9821